Mark's Amazing Dinner

This is easily one of the best home-cooked meals I've ever had. Mark made it all look so simple as he was cooking but I wonder if it's really THAT easy. The Risotto was al dente & savory, the asparagus crisp yet tender and the Swordfish fillet was oh so succulent. Everything was just perfection! I feel very honored to have been invited to partake in this delicious fare and witness first hand, Mark's culinary skills.

Risotto -- requires 45 minutes
1 cup of Arborio rice
1 mushroom bouillon cube
1 small finely diced onion
4 crushed garlic cloves
1/2 cup of olive oil
2 teaspoons of salt & crushed pepper to taste
finely grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon of butter
1/2 cup of white wine

Lightly saute garlic in olive oil until nicely brown (not crispy) on medium heat;
Add onion, let brown slowly and add salt and pepper;
Let onion and garlic mixture cook down until sticky;
Dissolve mushroom bullion into two cups of boiling water;
Begin adding bullion slowing (adding only small amounts at any one time);
Continue adding bullion for 45 minutes stirring consistently (only add bullion as liquid absorbs into the rice);
Once bullion runs-out, continue to add approx. 1 cup of hot water, stirring until rice is cooked (to taste);
3-4 minutes before rice is finished, add white wine, slowly stirring;
Once risotto is ready, add Parmesan cheese to taste and serve (each person can always add more so add just a small amount).

Swordfish -- requires 4-5 minutes
Two 1/2 pound swordfish steaks
Sea Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 small lime
Olive oil

20 minutes after you start the Risotto, pre-heat your gas to 550 degrees;
Add cooking pan and place it directly beneath the flame to ensure the pan is hot;
Clean fish in cold water, dry and then add a small amount of good quality sea salt and freshly ground pepper to the swordfish;
5 minutes before the Risotto is done, place swordfish onto pan and place directly under gas flame;
1-2 minutes later, remove swordfish and add a small amount of olive oil (do not cover entire fish - just for flavor), and place back into the oven;
2 minutes later, remove swordfish and squeeze a small amount of lime juice, 1/4 teaspoon of butter and 10-12 capers to each steak and the place swordfish on a lower rack (remove it from being directly next to the flame); Cook for 1-2 minutes and then serve.


1/2 pound of Asparagus
Olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
Lemon or Lime juice

20 minutes after you start the Risotto, pre-heat your gas to 550 degrees;
Add cooking pan and place it directly beneath the flame to ensure the pan is hot;
5 minutes before the Risotto is done, place Asparagus onto pan and place directly under gas flame;
Remove after 2-3 minutes and add a small amount of olive oil and lemon or lime juice and then return it to the oven for 1 minute;
Remove, add small amount of Sea salt and pepper and serve.

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