Leek & Potato Mash

Bern was making braised short ribs for the party, my job was to make the mashed potatoes. I figured the typical garlic thyme mash would be a bit too strong for the already robust brisket. Using leeks made it the perfect pair.
9 russet potatoes, peeled & diced
2 bay leaves
1 1/2 stick butter, diced
9 leeks, finely sliced
1 1/2 T fresh thyme, minced
3/4 C cream
1 1/2 C milk
Salt and pepper
2 T butter sliced (for re-heating)

Boil potatoes in salted water with bay leaves
Cook until done. toss bay leaves, drain, set aside
In a pan saute leeks in butter until soft, add thyme cook for another minute
season with salt & pepper
heat cream & milk in a saucepan until just about boiling
With a masher, add leeks, thyme and butter to potatoes
Add scalded milk & cream. Season with salt & pepper
Spread potato mixture in a baking dish; chill covered for 1 day
Preheat oven to 350 ° F
Dot potato mixture with remaining 2 T butter
Bake, covered with foil in middle of oven until heated through
or until butter is melted

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