Braised Pork Belly

I was at the grocery the other day with the intention of buying Dungeness crab and only crab. On the way to the seafood section, I had to pass by the meat area. I caught a glimpse of the pork belly and just couldn't resist...Rrrrrrr

2 lbs Pork belly cut into 2" cubes
1/3 C cane vinegar
1/4 C soy sauce
8 cloves garlic, peeled & pounded
2 dried bay leaves
1/8 t dried oregano
1/4 t peppercorns, cracked
1T golden brown sugar
1/4 C water
1 t salt

Combine all ingredients in a pot. Marinate for 30 minutes
Bring to a boil without stirring, lower heat and simmer covered for 30 minutes
Stir, continue cooking uncovered for another 30 minutes or until pork is fork tender
Separate pork & garlic from sauce and fry in a skillet until toasted
Add sauce to meat. Serve

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