Can't Beat This Kalbi Chim

I had the pleasure to try the best homemade kalbi in town. Since the one I had was marinated based on taste alone, what I have below is the best approximate the chef came up with. If anything, I'm just grateful to have the recipe shared and to have been invited to such a delicious feast. Serve with your favorite kimchi and rice.

10lbs Kalbi (serves 6 to 7 people)
7 cloves garlic minced
2 korean apple pears (put in blender with 1/2 cup water and liquify)
1.5 cups soy sauce
1/4 cup roasted sesame seeds
2 T ginger (put in blender with 1/2 cup water and make liquify)
2 T sesame oil
1/2 cup sugar
2 T mirin

1) Take the Kalbi out of the packaging, wash, and then put in deep bowl filled with water so it is covering all of the meat. Every 30 minutes for 2 hours, change out the bloody water for fresh water.
2) Dry off the Kalbi and set aside in the fridge.
3) Mix all of the other ingredients in a large bowl
4) Take one piece of Kalbi at a time, dip in sauce and place in big plastig bag to marinate (you will need 2 bags for 10 lbs).
5) Once all of the Kalbi is in the plastic bags, pour the remainder of the marinade evenly amonst the bags.
6) Lay the bags flat in the fridge and marinate for 24hrs. About the halfway mark, flip the bag over so it marinates evenly.
7) Grill

Before step 4, take one piece of kalbi, dip in marinade, and microwave it so you can do a taste test.

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