Incredibly Easy Spinach Dip

It almost feels like cheating to make this, but sometimes the basic recipe ends up tasting better than the glamoured version. In my experience, it is so in the case of the Spinach Dip. I've seen so many versions with different twists and turns that nothing beats the most simple and un-complicated version. By fluke, I also found out that the dried leek soup mix is better than the universally used vegetable soup mix.

1 10 oz. Package frozen chopped spinach (thawed and drained well)
1 16 oz. tub of sour cream
1 cup Mayonnaise
1 1.8 oz package of dry leek soup mix
2 stalks green onions, chopped
1 4oz. water chestnuts, chopped

Mix together all ingredients in a bowl and chill for 6-8 hours or overnight.
Serve with chips, bread or crackers

Note: make sure to mix everything well and spinach is drained completely. Enjoy!

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